Welcome to Whisenant’s Mailbag. Each week we answer your questions about anything and everything. Let’s do this.
MBHORNSFAN:Â Give me your season prediction? I have looked at the first 6 games and have us starting 6-0. I will make rest of season prediction once I see the first six.
I believe the offensive line and skill set guys are in place for the offense to hum along just fine. That said, my biggest concern is the quarterback position. I realize Ash has made progress, seems to be the leader, etc etc etc, but I have to SEE it on the field first. I’m going to say it’s a 10-3 year with losses to Baylor, Oklahoma, and Kansas State. Â I really don’t want to pick against Texas in the OU and KSU games, but both have been teams Texas just can’t beat. Win those, and my opinion of the Baylor game changes completely. Â Pretty simple first part of the year. Win all the games up until OU, and then just beat the Sooners. I don’t need to see a 40 point win…..just win the game.
bbdude:Â Let’s hear your thoughts on Mack Brown returning for the 2014 season, regardless of performance this season.
I think it’s time to walk away. If he can’t get it done this year obviously he has to go, but if he does get it done, he can point to this as his “mission accomplished” season. He “fixed it”, and at that point it’ll be time to turn the reigns over to someone who can finish creating the monster everyone in this country knows is waiting to rise in Austin. What the next guy here will do, if he is the right man, will make what Alabama has done look like child’s play.
oldmanriver:Â Have we seen the last of Case McCoy? If not, why??????????????????????? He sucks.
Case McCoy is a prime example of why I don’t like the “legacy” scholarships all the time. You can look at his film and see he was a West Coast type QB who didn’t have the power to make elite spread throws. Â He beat Texas A&M, a win which will live in history, but he wasn’t better than Conner Brewer could have been last year. What were they worried about….Brewer throwing interceptions? Not like McCoy didn’t do that as well. Â I was disturbed to hear he’d be returning to the team this season, but I believe with a new OC and the emergence of Tyrone Swoopes, McCoy is a mop up dude, not a viable option to supplant Ash.
RD3:Â Who will be running the Wildcat formation?
Overstreet. The knowledge of the offense, his speed, athleticism, and experience as a quarterback makes him the most viable and dangerous option. Speed kills.
UTK66: Who will be the starting 5 on the O line? Who SHOULD be the starting 5 on the O line?
Who will be the starting 5 against New Mexico State. Assuming Cochran isn’t ready to go….
Across the front from left to right, and it’s a hell of a mess: Hawkins, Flowers, Espinosa, Walters, Hopkins
Who I’d like across the front from left to right: Harrison, Hawkins, Hopkins, Walters, Cochran
It’s difficult to project because Cochran being hurt and Harrison not practicing really kill the depth. I’m also hopeful Rami Hammad can step up and fill a guard spot in short order. Please get healthy big guy.