Mack Brown spoke to the media today on a number of subjects ahead of 25th ranked Ole Miss coming to Austin this Saturday, a game in which many believe Brown will be coaching for his job. Formulate your own opinions, but these quotes make me think DeLoss steeled Ole Mack’s wool. Here are the tweets of note with opinion sprinkled in.
(Oh boy…..)
(Hard to throw down the gauntlet when the other guy is the talk of the town, but had to be said)
Mack on Tyrone Swoopes: “We wouldn’t hesitate to play him if that’s what we need to do.” #HookEm #Longhorns #UT
— Jeff Howe (@JeffHowe247) September 11, 2013
(Breaking: You need to…..)
Mack: We will not hesitate to play Tyrone Swoopes if we have to. Says he will sit down w/ Major to decide if he should play regardless.
— Bob Ballou (@KEYESportsBob) September 11, 2013
(The Offensive Coordinator should probably be making these choices anyway…..)
Mack says Larry Porter was questioned by UT officials last week about the OK State allegations. Said its not a Texas issue.
— Randy Riggs (@ranriggs) September 11, 2013
(Sports Illustrated looks worse with every passing second….)
Mack on the OL: They are close …At end of year, we’ll look back and say this is the best OL we’ve had in a while. I’m standing by that.â€
— Jason Suchomel (@jsuchomel) September 11, 2013
(We haven’t had a good OL in a while. That isn’t a bold statement)
Mack said he feels his job is secure: “DeLoss has been around a long time. I don’t have knee-jerk bosses.”
— Jason Suchomel (@jsuchomel) September 11, 2013
(Long as DeMoney is coming in and the Big Cigars are happy this is true)
Mack Brown on pressure: “The only way you can change things outside is to win. My total focus is on Ole Miss.”
— ESPN Texas (@ESPNTexas) September 11, 2013
(It better be…)
Brown – Robinson demands that the players sprint every single play.
— Horns Illustrated (@HornsIllus) September 11, 2013
(It’s about damn time some toughness hit that side of the ball. Hope this means Davis can get after his DT’s as well)
Mack Brown confirms FR Tyrone Swoopes will be No. 2 QB, not Jalen Overstreet
— Johnny Whisenant (@Texas0205) September 11, 2013
(Never know what may happen in the game, but can’t go wrong with either one getting snaps)
According to Mack Brown, qb David Ash continues to be evaluated. May be a game time decision vs Ole Miss.
— Shawn Clynch (@ShawnC_KVUE) September 11, 2013
(Word on the street is better than 80% chance Ash is out and McCoy starts the game with a short leash)