I was fortunate to be invited to a lunch with Steve Patterson today. One LHF manager, one sponsor rep (Seton Health Care) and seven real live LHF contributors.
The 7th floor of the club is being renovated so we had lunch in one of the suites on the 9th floor. Here are the highlights from this lunch:
- We will not give up any home games to play outside the country — i.e. USC, however we might consider playing a road game or an additional game somewhere outside the continental United States (I asked twice just be sure and asked if this info could be disseminated, to which the answer was yes). This is very good news in my opinion.
- We are negotiating a basketball game against Washington for the 2015 season in China. You have all heard about the 2018 proposed barnstorming tour (NY/Chicago/LA) – which is on track to happen.
- Texas is looking very seriously at the possibility of selling beer at all events.
- A Powers comment — He stated Powers has been run ragged by “political hacks” and agenda items which should be cleared up in 15 minutes but take weeks. Everyone thinks the new governor (Abbott) will cure 98% of this.
- When asked “when will we reengage A&M” – he stated there was no reason to whatsoever for us to do so. He asked back, “what have they done? – finish .500 in conference?” He complimented them on leveraging Manziel into a successful fundraising campaign and then stated 400M-500M was no big deal. He then said to watch what we do over the next few years and watch how we are able to sustain it. My favorite comment– “Our brand will be primarily driven by success on the field.†South End Zone Construction (soon) , a new basketball arena (5 years+) , new practice facilities (even though Charlie Strong is perfectly happy)- and a few other things are on the agenda.
- He is pleased with Rick (Barnes) and Augie (Garrido) “so far” and expects both to “maintain those results to the end.”
- Patterson is going to start a campaign to endow all minor sports (following Stanford’s model) and increase the number of sports. I like that idea a lot as well.
- In the end- I’ve gone from full support to on the fence to just over the fence with a trust but verify attitude. By the way -when asked about the Bev Kearney situation he said plain and simple she violated NCAA rules and has no case and there should be no settlement. Now the hanging question “what happens to Plonsky” was not asked, but his candidness provided in his Kearney answer is probably a clue for what to expect when the topic does arise.