×198.jpgI have to start this with the fact I don’t like Rick Barnes. I think he has underachieved with this basketball program. Â The question is, am I on to something or just wrong? I will try to make my point and let you decide.
It starts to me with losing to an inferior Arizona team in the NCAA tournament. There was controversy at the end and a question of exactly how long five seconds really are, but that would be missing the point. Texas never should have been in that position.
Barnes had talent. The team that lost to Arizona produced three first-round NBA draft picks. Tristan Thompson was the fouth player selected in the draft by the Cleveland Cavaliers. Jordan Hamilton and Cory Joseph went late in the first round to Denver and San Antonio.
Texas was the only school to accomplish the feat of having three number one picks in last year’s draft yet they couldn’t survive the first weekend of the tournament. Barnes teams have lost to a lower seed in 9 of 13 appearances in the the tournament.
Similarly, the five previous seasons, Barnes had eight NBA draft picks, five of which were first-rounders, including a guy named Kevin Durant. What does he have to show for it? Not a single championship and only one final four appearance. That came eight seasons ago.
The last two seasons we saw Barnes ranked number one and number three, only to see late season problems. Last season the Horns lost 4 of their last 5 games and fell to a number 4 seed.
Rick has been criticized for not being a good in-game manager. During the Arizona/ Texas game the announcers commented the Longhorn coaching staff looked confused and how Barnes was late to the huddle, while at the same time talking of how Arizona coach, Sean Miller, was quick to dash in and make plays.
There’s also the issue of Barnes’ attitude about the NCAA tournament. He has repeatedly said winning is not the most important thing in his life. This is not what UT alumni and fans want to hear. During the traditional playing of the Eyes of Texas, a little girl was shown on camera crying. My guess is she was not alone.
Then again, you tell me, am I being too hard on the guy? Should I shut up and write strictly pro UT pieces or am I on to something?
Let me know and Hook Em Horns.